Running since early in the 2010/11 season, BritHoops.com has been dedicated to compliling stats from the British Basketball League and from 2024/25 the newly created Super League Basketball (SLB). At that time stats from the BBL were quite hard to come by, so we aimed to create a space where fans can access up to date stats easily, hopefully presented in a clear and concise way.


We compile all our stats from the box scores published on superleaguebasketballm.co.uk (and previosuly bbl.org.uk). On this page you can find a glossary for all the abbreviations we use for stats along with further explanation relating to some of the more complicated 'advanced' stats we have on the site.


For the non-traditional, non-box score 'advanced' stats featured on BritHoops.com we primarily use the methods detailed on the highly esteemed US site Basketball-Reference.com . Further details below.

Offensive / Defensive Ratings (ORTG / DRTG)

Team Offensive / Defensive Ratings are a measure of how efficient a team's offense and defense are by examining points scored/allowed per possession. The formula we are using for estimating the number of team possessions is:

0.5 * ((TmFGA + 0.4 * TmFTA - 1.07 * (TmOREB / (TmOREB + OppDREB)) * (TmFGA - TmFGM) + TmTOS) + (OppFGA + 0.4 * OppFTA - 1.07 * (OppOREB / (OppOREB + TmDREB)) * (OppFGA - OppFGM) + OppTOS))

As Basketball-Reference state: "This formula estimates possessions based on both the team's statistics and their opponent's statistics, then averages them to provide a more stable estimate."

Dividing a team's points (both scored and allowed) by number of possessions gives a Points Per Possession (or PPP) figure. For Offensive and Defensive ratings we just multiply this by 100 to give a slightly more palatable number. As such Offensive and Defensive Ratings represent points scored/allowed per 100 possessions.

Individual offensive and defensive ratings try to do exactly the same thing, e.g. estimate the points scored/allowed per possession when an individual is on court. The formula for this is slightly more complicated though and frankly we can't be bothered to write it all out here.

You can check out the method we use for calculating our individual offensive/defensive ratings on Basketball-Reference right here though.

Usage Percentage (USG%)

Usage Percentage is an estimate of the percentage of team's plays a player uses while they were on the floor. The formula (which tries to take into account field goal attempts, free throw attempts and turnovers committed) is:

100 * ((FGA + 0.44 * FTA + TOS) * (TmMIN / 5)) / (MIN * (TmFGA + 0.44 * TmFTA + TmTOS))

Effective Field Goal Percentage (eFG%)

Effective Field Goal Percentage adjusts shooting percentage to reflect that a 3-point field goal is worth one more point that a 2-point field goal. The formula for this is:

(FGM + 0.5 * 3PM) / FGA

True Shooting Percentage (TS%)

True Shooting Percentage is another measure of shooting efficiency and takes into account field-goals, 3-point field goals and free throw shooting. To calculate this we use:

PTS / 2 * (FGA + 0.44 * FTA)

Rebounding Percentage (OR% / DR% / TR%)

Offensive, Defensive and Total Rebound Percentage is an estimate of the percentage of available rebounds a player (or team) grabs. For individual OR% we use the formula:

100 * (OREB * (TmMIN / 5)) / (MIN * (TmOREB + OppDREB))

For individual DR% we use:

100 * (DREB * (TmMIN / 5)) / (MIN * (TmDREB + OppOREB))

And for TR% we use:

100 * (TREB * (TmMIN / 5)) / (MIN * (TmTREB + OppTREB))

For team rebounding percentages we just look at a team's and their opposition's rebounding numbers. So for team OR%:


For team DR%:


And then for overall team TR%:

(OR% + DR%) / 2

Assist Percentage (AST%)

Assist Percentage is an estimate of the percentage of a team's field goals a player assists whilst on the court. The formula is:

100 * AST / (((MIN / (TmMIN / 5)) * TmFGM) - FGM)

Turnover Percentage (TO%)

Turnover Percentage is an estimate of the number of turnovers a player commits per 100 plays. To work it out we use:

100 * TOS / (FGA + 0.44 * FTA + TOS)

Steal Percentage (STL%)

Steal Percentage is an estimate of the percentage of opponent possessions that end with a steal by a player when on the court. The formula we use is:

100 * (STL * (TmMIN / 5)) / (MIN * OppPOSS)

Block Percentage (BLK%)

Block Percentage is an estimate of the percentage of opponent 2-point field goal attempts are blocked by a player when on the court. The formula is:

100 * (BLK * (TmMIN / 5)) / (MIN * (OppFGA - Opp3PA))


Stat Meaning
2P% 2-point Field Goal Percentage
2PA 2-point Field Goals Attempted
2PM 2-point Field Goals Made
3P% 3-point Field Goal Percentage
3PA 3-point Field Goals Attempted
3PM 3-point Field Goals Made
AP40 Assists Per 40mins
APG Assists Per Game
AST Assists
AST% Assist Percentage
AST:TOS Assist to Turnover Ratio
BLK Blocks
BLK% Block Percentage
BP40 Blocks Per 40mins
BPG Blocks Per Game
DR% Defensive Rebound Percentage
DREB Defensive Rebounds
DRP40 Defensive Rebounds Per 40mins
DRPG Defensive Rebounds Per Game
DRTG Defensive Rating
eFG% Effective Field Goal Percentage
FG% Field Goal Percentage
FGA Field Goals Attempted
FGM Field Goals Made
FT% Free Throw Percentage
FTA Free Throws Attempted
FTM Free Throws Made
FTR Free Throw Rate
G Games
MIN Minutes
MPG Minutes Per Game
NET Net Rating (i.e. difference between ORTG and DRTG)
OR% Offensive Rebound Percentage
OREB Offensive Rebounds
ORP40 Offensive Rebounds Per 40mins
ORPG Offensive Rebounds Per Game
ORTG Offensive Rating
POSS Possessions
PP40 Points Per 40mins
PPG Points Per Game
PTS Points
SP40 Steals Per 40mins
SPG Steals Per Game
STL Steals
TOP40 Turnovers Per 40mins
TOPG Turnovers Per Game
TOS Turnovers
TR% Total Rebound Percentage
TREB Total Rebounds
TRP40 Total Rebounds Per 40mins
TRPG Total Rebounds Per Game
TS% True Shooting Percentage
USG% Usage Percentage